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Coming King - Branded

Symbols are everywhere. We see golden arches, bitten apples, and bowties in front of vehicles, all pointing to a "brand." Symbols suggest belonging, from the HP on my laptop to the TREK shield on my bicycle, these images connect people to things, things to people, and people to people.

The same is true with Jesus. We belong to Him, and in belonging to Him, He commands us to align with a symbol--something that publicly displays that, a Christian. That symbol is baptism. If baptism is like a symbol, then let me be branded as a follower of Christ! - 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

Coming King - The Bride

The long awaited day has come. Everything is set. All has been prepared. It is time. Behold the Lamb and His Bride! - Revelation 21:1-27

Coming King - The Prize

We are heading for the end. As we have navigated through Revelation we are on the cusp of encountering the prize! As we press on to our finish in Revelation we will be taking a one week detour to engage in what Paul has to say about focusing on the Prize that is set before us! This makes winning an Olympic Gold Medal seem like winning a chocolate chip cookie! - Philippians 3


Elder and Missionary Terry Huffman takes us directly to the Christ and TRUTH! - John 8:32

Coming King - The Judge

Many are familiar with the phrase, "Judge not, lest you be judged." All of us don't want to BE judged, but there is ONE Judge who judges rightly. He judges you and he judges me. The verdict for each of us on our own works is "Guilty" and yet for those who have believed by faith, a miraculous exoneration! Not Guilty! - Revelation 20:1-15

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