As we enter Matthew 5-7 Jesus seems to lay out impossible expectations. Yet, He says we can do it, but not without Him, not without His power. Let's embrace the incredible promises and power of Jesus Christ as we engage in this series together! - Matthew 5:1-16
It has finally come...the end. We finish the book of Revelation which points to the powerful picture of newness. There is nothing like holding that brand new shotgun in your hands, riding that new bike for the first time, or cradling your newborn baby right after birth. New! In our world, new things break and get old. In this new Kingdom Come, with our Coming King, everything will be made new...and STAY NEW!!! - Revelation 22
Today we acknowledge the call on our brother Christopher Backhaus, to be set apart for the Lord's service. Guest speaker: Reverend Dan Scarrow, District Superintendent
Labor Day - its history is to celebrate the work that has been done by workers in our nation. From the beginning of time God has called mankind to work. We have been called to tend to the earth, to care for it, to cultivate it, to subdue it and harvest it. Yet, there is greater work that remains: it is the work of ministry, it is the work - and I mean work - of Love, and the work of forgiveness. - 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11
Much is called out of us in this life - and when more is called out of us, more must happen within us. God desires our faithfulness more than our effectiveness. He desires us to live a life of ongoing preparedness and preparation. Join us as we hear from our High School Envision Providence Mission Team. - 2 Timothy 4:1-2